
Jeff Lowe and his wife Amber are, Clinton, Missouri natives with 4 adult children, and a 13-year-old son, Parker, who serves with them in Alaska doing remote village missions work 3-4 months per year.  Jeff got his Private Pilot License at the age of 17, and now holds a Commercial-MEL Instrument-rated pilot license and is FAA Ground Instructor Certificate holder.  When the Lowes are in Missouri, Jeff enjoys volunteering with Clinton Christian Academy, First Baptist Church, working at Aviation Fabricators (AvFab), attending Men’s Groups and Bible Studies, and camping out at the airport with Parker. 

 Jeff Lowe

Jeff pilots a Cessna 206 with Alaska Village Missions (based in Homer), mostly down on the Alaska Peninsula and into the Eastern Aleutian Islands, serving 12 remote villages.  The Lowes love the Native Alaskan people, and greatly enjoy watching the Lord at work as they strive to share the gospel and make disciples among those they serve.  The need for sharing hope and the Word is great in remote Alaska, and Jeff feels honored to have been called to such an amazing place with such precious people. 


MATA provided Jeff with Alaska-specific flight training, mountain flying training, along with much-needed advice in Alaskan culture, and laying the foundation for bush piloting skills.  Because of Jeff’s start with MATA as a student, and his first-hand experience with how difficult it was to find top-notch bush pilot training for missionary pilots, the Lord raised a passion in Jeff’s heart to help others find training to be the best and safest missionary pilots they can possibly be.  “It is my honor to serve the Lord by being on the MATA Board of Directors, an organization that served me so richly in a time of great need for world-class training.  My family and I regularly praise the Lord for MATA and their mission.”