Jonathan was born into an American missionary family in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
He moved to the United States after graduating from the Dutch high school system and
worked as a project manager for many years in the construction industry.

He saved up for flight lessons and started training in R22 helicopters in Everett, WA, in
2009. After getting his rotor private license, he switched to fixed-wing in Bellingham
where he met MATA flight instructor Brandon Penkoff. With MATA, he finished his
instrument and commercial ratings and served at the Kako Retreat Center in western
Alaska in the summer of 2012 as a pilot. Later that summer, he went on to complete
the CFI and CFII ratings with American Flyers in Santa Monica, CA. He returned to Alaska
in the summer of 2014 as a check pilot with MATA alum Ian Rojas.

Jonathan met and married his wife Christine (also a former MATA student) in 2012, and together they have been blessed
with four children. Currently they reside in Tennessee and Jonathan is employed by Boeing. In his spare time, he tinkers
with small woodworking projects and his home flight simulator. Jonathan has a heart for international missions and an
appreciation for the commitment and sacrifice required. He also has a strong desire to equip Christians in the realm of
apologetics, that they would be ready to give an answer for the faith. (1 Peter 3:15)
Jonathan Miller