Alaska Ministries
first time or only time they get to hear the gospel of Christ and the love of
God. For groups needing repair to their on-site aircraft, we enable them to
quickly increase ministry capabilities for aviation fieldwork to remote and
isolated locations. MATA students gain valuable field experience and build
important flight hours toward their goal of becoming a full-time missionary
pilot. The following organizations have provided MATA student learning
experiences in Alaska: Kako Retreat Center, Tanalian Bible Camp, Kokrine
Hills Bible Camp, MARC, FLAPS, Kingdom Air Corps and SEND North.
assists ministries in Alaska that need our help. Every year we provide
ministry trips for students during the winter and again during late spring
and/or summer. Donors cover MATA expenses. We choose not to be a
financial burden to the people we serve. Due to our location, we are the
closest U.S. neighboring state available for these ministries. Aviation is the
only or the most practical mode of transportation for 82% of the villages in
Alaska. We reduce costs for ministry by providing the use of MATA aircraft.
We go serving our Lord and will even do jobs nobody else wants to do.
Please volunteer if you are a pilot, mechanic, or want to help MATA Alaska
ministries in any other capacity.
children, families and cargo to Bible camps. MATA aircraft require
hundreds of gallons of fuel and fly many thousands of miles doing
ministry. Photo of MATA airplane serving KAKO Bible Camps.
Alaska Ministries