What Does MATA Do?


 Our Mission at MATA is

 to “Train & Equip Pilots For Missionary Service.”



There is a desperate world-wide need for qualified pilots to serve with global agencies sharing God’s love and proclaiming His Good News. 


Flexibility & Variety in Student Training

MATA employs great scheduling flexibility to meet the training needs of each student God is calling to missions. Future missionary pilots gain multiple FAA certifications and the experience needed before qualifying to fly for mission aviation agencies. MATA provides students with opportunities to practice airplane maintenance, learn proven safety tips at monthly pilot meetings, experience discipleship at weekly Bible studies, and exercise aviation skills during ministry trips. Current missionary pilots can learn and gain new skills as needed.


The MATA Family

Once enrolled, MATA students become part of the “family”. MATA continues to be a resource long after our alumni begin missionary service on the field. We have helped alumni fix an airplane in a remote foreign location by satellite phone. We strive to network, pray, and encourage. We will ship cargo & airplanes. We work to assist our alumni in new and creative ways. 


MATA alumn, Amos Collins

 Now now serving as director of Pacific Mission Aviation 

Training With an Instructor


Click Here To Read Our Full Mission Statement…



This Video Was Created For Our 20th Anniversary

We’ve dedicated our lives to the cause of Christ with no turning back so that every nation, tongue, and tribe, has heard the name, Jesus.

This Was The Third Airplane MATA Has Shipped Overseas



Watch to see how MATA got started…


Watch an airplane ship to Micronesia…